Over the past few years, I've seen the popularity of this diet soar.

There's been an increased social media presence for it (with entire channels dedicated to the diet)...there have been high-profile people touting it (like Jordan Peterson)...and there people in the "alternative wellness" communities advocating for it.

The question is, what's sparking this draw of this (what I would consider to be) a rather extreme diet?

Is it simply the fact that people are going to be naturally drawn to diet fads that involve less willpower in terms of the dietary exclusions that are required? (IE: a person who's not particularly motivated to exercise or moderate portion sizes or exercise some restraint when it comes to food choices is going to be drawn to something that says 'you can eat all the bacon & eggs an steak you want)

Are they simply being duped by the anecdotes and advice from people in the "alternative wellness" community (who seemingly are inclined to want to oppose MDs and DOs on everything they possibly can, and always claim to know 'the facts the mainstream medical community doesn't want you to know') which gives them a sense of feeling 'woke' when it comes to nutrition?

Or is it simply a lashing out at people they see as ideological rivals? (IE: vegans and climate change activists say that raising meat is bad for the environment, so people who don't accept climate change purposely are embracing it just for the sake of 'smiting one's enemies')?

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  • I think people are into the carnivore diet for a few reasons. It's pretty simple—just eat meat and don't worry about portion sizes or other rules. Plus, big names and social media are promoting it a lot.
    Some people also like doing the opposite of what mainstream health advice or environmentalists recommend.
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  • I do it because it works for me.

    I used to suffer from various issues, many of which I eventually linked through years of trial, error, and observation to wildly fluctuating blood sugar levels, and high sensitivities to phytates, oxalates, etc. I came to realize that these things were related to my diet which, at the time, was composed of high carbs & vegetables/grains. I switched over to a predominanently high-fat, high-protein carnivore diet which solved those issues.

    I have nothing against vegans or vegetarians - if their diet works for them, cool. I am not swayed by their ideological extremisms however, since countless animals such as worms, insects, etc. are also destroyed in the process of cultivating & harvesting their vegetables and fruits.
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