I have dynamic collection on my Webflow site. And so, photos in the slider on these pages change from page to page (automatically).

However, some of the slider sections show empty fields (every dynamic page has different number of photos, and when Webflow doesn’t have a pic to draw from, it shows an empty gray field). :frowning:

I have hidden the empty sliders using Conditional Visibility (“if the title of the page is X, then do not show slider Y”. But now I imagine that every time someone opens the page, there are about 90 conditions running.

I feel like this is not a very elegant solution to disappearing empty sliders that do not have images set up in Collection. Does it harm SEO? If yes, how to change it? Adding classes to a slider does not work.

now imagine these conditions set for each of these 12 sliders, on every page (about 90+ conditions)

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  • I know it's been a while, but SEO can get overwhelming when you add conditional dependencies. It’s like trying to juggle too many balls at once, right? From my experience, trying to keep everything aligned and make sure the search engines are happy can be a real headache. I’ve found that sometimes it helps to step back and focus on the basics. Prioritizing clean, straightforward SEO strategies can be much easier to manage and usually gets the job done without all the extra complexity. Have you thought about working with SEO services https://fortressgrowth.com/ ? They might be able to help simplify things and make sure everything’s appropriately optimized. It might save you a lot of hassle in the long run.
    Fortress - Smarter SEO Strategies
  • Search engines are pretty smart about hidden content so normally no. They do measure performance. Having lots of content loaded on a page, that is hidden, affects page weight and potentially end user experience. The browser has to parse all the content first. There is really no practical workaround when hosting on Webflow. When I have sites that require lots of conditional content I usually build on dynamic platforms, where content is rendered dynamically.
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