Hi all,
A question to the more experienced and/or more talented than I: a filmmaker asked me to make a score for a short (12 min) film, with a deadline on July 1st.
but due to problems, production was delayed and now I have one day to do the job, as good as I can.
Any tips on how to approach this?

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  • One day to score a 12-minute film sounds intense but doable! When I was in a similar spot, I focused on a few key things. First, get a feel for the film’s tone and emotion. Sometimes a quick chat with the director helps clarify the mood. Then, sketch out a basic theme or motif that you can repeat and build on. Using familiar instruments or sounds can save time.

    I took a short scoring workshop at Prague Film School here https://www.praguefilminstitute.cz , and one takeaway was the power of simplicity—sometimes less is more. Remember to keep it manageable and not stress over perfection. Just get something that fits well and tweak as needed.
    Film School in Prague - Prague Film Institute
    A professional studio-run film school in Prague founded by filmmakers. Study hands-on courses certified by work-related qualification BTEC HN.
  • A simple frame from 0 to 12 min, graft the ideas on it, according to the needs requested...
    Do a good job!
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