Safety of medical marijuana smoking in oppose to vaporization

A friend of mine, who smoke medical cannabis, send me some citations, about safety of cannabis smoking of lungs health. Could you relate to these two ones:

He thinks that smoking is safe, and although his doctor recommend him to vaporize medical cannabis, he decided to smoke it. How can I change his mind in this case?

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  • Hi everyone,

    I wanted to share my story about how I managed to overcome my cannabis addiction. I hope my experience can be helpful to those who are currently facing a similar challenge.

    I started using cannabis back in college. At first, it was just for fun with friends, but over time, I noticed that I was using it more frequently, and it began to negatively impact my life. My job, relationships, and health all started to suffer because of my addiction.

    The first step to recovery was acknowledging the problem. I spent a long time in denial, but eventually, I realized that I couldn't handle it on my own anymore. I decided to seek professional help.

    I found a rehabilitation center that specialized in various substance addictions, including cannabis. The staff there welcomed me with understanding and without judgment. It was eye-opening to see how many people were in the same situation and that it was possible to overcome it.

    The process was challenging. The first thing they offered me was individual therapy with a licensed psychologist. Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), I began to understand why I turned to cannabis and how to change my thoughts and behaviors.

    Additionally, I participated in group therapy sessions. This helped me realize that I wasn't alone in my struggle and that the support of others facing similar issues can be incredibly powerful.

    Another crucial part of my recovery with was engaging in yoga and meditation. These practices helped me manage stress and anxiety without needing to turn to drugs. I also started exercising regularly, which significantly improved my physical and mental health.

    On top of that, I met with a nutritionist who helped me adjust my diet. A healthy diet turned out to be an important part of my recovery, as it contributed to my overall well-being.

    After completing the main rehabilitation program, I continued to attend support group meetings and individual sessions. This ongoing support has been essential in keeping me on track and not giving up during tough times.

    Today, I've been living without cannabis for over a year. It was a difficult journey, but I'm glad I chose to take it. If you or your loved ones are struggling with cannabis addiction, know that there is a way out. The key is not to be afraid to seek help and to believe in your ability to overcome it.

    If anyone has questions or needs support, feel free to reach out. We can get through this together!
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    At United Recovery Project, we offer luxury alcohol & drug rehabilitation. Call 888-960-5121 to reach our Hollywood, Florida rehab.
  • Well, vaporizing is generally considered better for lung health because it reduces the harmful byproducts of combustion. Maybe you could share some articles or studies showing the benefits of vaporization over smoking?
    If you're still hunting for this info, I found some interesting bongs that look more like pieces of art. They might be cool to check out at
    Anyone else have tips on how to convince someone to switch to vaporizing? It's all about looking out for each other.
    Mini Bongs and Water Pipes | Small, Tiny and Portable Bongs -SmokeDay
    The Online Smoke Shop sells glass pipes, bubblers, scales, vaporizers, detox, papers, water pipes, bongs, lighters, ecigs, and grinders. You may buy…
  • It's a tough situation when a friend believes smoking is safe despite medical advice to vaporize.
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