Overbooked charter flight

Friends of mine have booked a P&O cruise. I’m sorry I don’t know on which ship but from the Caribbean. I am told that the aircraft was overbooked and so they are being put in an alternative, which doesn’t have catering or in-flight entertainment. it seems a bit far-fetched to me, but they are good friends and I trust what they say. Is anyone else able to shed any light on this topic?

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  • My friend had a similar experience after a cruise and ended up on an alternate flight without catering or in-flight entertainment. They weren't thrilled, but it was better than being stranded. If your friends ever want to avoid this hassle in the future, they might consider a private air charter. I used KinectAir https://www.kinectair.com/ for a trip once. We had a stress-free experience with personalized service and no overbooking worries.
    KinectAir | Private Charter Flights
    Experience all the benefits of private flights without owning a plane.
  • Sounds more like Maleth Aero operating out of Manchester and Gatwick. Easier just to point you to this thread. It does have catering only difference being No premium economy and no IFE.
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