Obsessed with chasing rabbits

My girl is a rescue. She’s around 5 years old and is very intelligent.
She is very good and I am confident to leave her off the lead.
She listens pretty well and comes when I call her.

The problem I’m getting now, is that when I take her to certain places, we have seen rabbits, or it’s clear that rabbits live there, and she just seems to go into a trance.
She starts sniffing around frantically and totally ignores me. It’s like she does not hear me, even when I’m shouting her name directly next to her.

I like to let her off the lead when we are in open areas, but I’m worried I may lose her, as she runs far away and it sometimes takes me a long time to get her to return. She’s small and when I’m the woods for instance, I can’t walk on, as I’m unsure when she’s gone and if she will find her way back to me.

The only way I can explain it is that she goes into a trance when she smells a bunny nearby.
Any of you old enough to remember Disneys Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers, may remember their friend Monty who went into a trance when he smelled cheese. It’s exactly like that haha. I call her Monty when she finally comes back to me.

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  • Sounds like your girl has a real bunny obsession! I had a similar experience with my dog Max. Whenever he caught a whiff of squirrels, he'd be off like a rocket, totally oblivious to my calls. One thing that helped was using a long training leash in areas where distractions were high. It gave him freedom to roam but kept him within my reach. Also, on https://cheerfulbunny.com/ , I found great tips on training focus amidst distractions. It might be worth a look!
    CheerfulBunny – Hopping towards a Healthier Bunny life
    Explore our range of rabbit toys, foods, and treats. We offer fun chew toys and engaging play items to keep your rabbit happy and healthy. Enjoy worl…
  • Yes, when they get that focus, your intervention is simply going to be too late. Like trying to steer your car after you have driven over the cliff edge.

    You need to stop her before she gets to that stage - and keep her on a lead or long line if there is a risk of her running off, for her own safety.
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