New House

Anyone fancy this one? ... Fu2N-iEi0s

Here's a better link that Cornwall Live site is terrible! ... el=RES_BUY

What a ridiculous price tag!
There's no parking included and nowhere nearby to park either, you will always be ten or more minutes away from your car and you will no doubt have to pay to park or face a longer walk to the car. But you will need a car as that village has no local shops anymore and the bus is around £8 for each return journey. Your car needs to be little too as the roads round there are very narrow. I'd pay to actually see you negotiate the village and to laugh at you as you have a panic attack as you realise you need to reverse for quite some distance to allow someone to pass. To get from one end of the village to another you might need to do the reversing five or six times each journey (triple that in July and August, November and December). Luckily the few locals left there are really good at reversing and tucking their cars into tiny spaces and they know all the points at which you can pass one another.
The main pub of the village is also two doors away so be prepared for noisy nights, its on the main road through the village so you'll have people looking in your windows in wonder at how quaint all the little cottages are. Theres also a widening of the road near there so you will have to put up with cars reversing, drivers swearing and harping their horns at one another in annoyance or thanks right in front of your lounge and bedroom window.
My Dad was born and raised in that village, he'd be horrified that it has become a rich mans playground.

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  • The parking situation alone would stress me out! And don't even get me started on the narrow roads and constant reversing dance. It's like a real-life version of a driving test nightmare. But hey, every cloud has a silver lining, right? Maybe this could be a fun challenge for some people, like a real-life game of Tetris with parking spots. As for the noisy nights and constant traffic drama, I'd probably invest in some heavy-duty curtains and noise-canceling headphones. On a more serious note, if you're considering taking the plunge into this village adventure, it might be worth looking into companies that specialize in residential real estate management from . They could potentially offer some insights or assistance in navigating the quirks of village living.
    Ramfeld Immobilier: Property & Building Management Experts
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