This is a question I've always wondered. I have autism and suffer quite a number of sensory issues. I live in Ireland where it can get quite cold in the winter.

Growing up, I always disliked the heat that came out of radiators and felt that it was "uncomfortably warm". I recently purchased a Hot & Cool fan which I find is very comfortable. It might seem like a preference but the heats  is very different. Radiators often feel like being in a furnace while the air conditioner simply feels like a breeze on a summer day.

I know that radiators use warm water to spread heat via radiation while the air con blows warm air.

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  • Thanks for sharing your experience with heating methods. I totally get what you mean about the difference in sensation between radiators and air conditioners. Radiators can sometimes feel like you're getting blasted by a furnace, while air conditioners offer a more gentle breeze-like warmth.I'm glad you found something that works for you with the Hot & Cool fan! It's all about finding what feels comfortable, especially with sensory issues.Have you ever looked into night storage heaters ? They might offer a more consistent and gentle heat without the intensity of radiators or air conditioners.
  • Radiators are the best in terms of getting a good real heat. But you need a big solid one, small radiators are not good, they lose heat quickly. Most of companies sell small radiators, I never seen anyone sell big one. So, on today market radiators has poor quality and do not hold the heat for a long period of time.
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