Gift cards - PSA

One of my little organizing chores was to go thru all the gift cards and gift crtf we have, organize them, and get rid of any used ones or expired ones.

I had a bunch of Barnes and Nobles cards, that I just yesterday used to buy books and puzzles, some Sephora cards I gave my girls to use up, and I just bought some supplies from Target with old gift cards. It occurred to me that, with a tough economic landscape ahead, it may make sense to use any retailer-specific gift cards sooner rather than later.

: (

ETA - via online shopping, obviously I hope!

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  • In such cases, you can consider consolidating smaller balances by using them for online shopping or giving them to someone who could use a little extra help right now.
    One thing that might help is using myprepaidcenter( to check the balances and transaction history on your cards. It makes it easier to keep track of what you have left and plan your purchases accordingly. I’ve found it really useful for making sure I don’t lose track of any funds.
    Myprepaidcenter: Check Balance – Activation Required at
    At Myprepaidcenter, you can manage, register, activate cards (activation required) and check the balance of Visa, MasterCard, and Discover prepaid gi…
  • Yes a major chain closed our local restaurant. I had gift cards from there, we will be able to use them but the next closest one if 75 miles away. At least we have options to use them. sigh
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