Good evening All

I'm curious about the above.  We recently had a letter from a local Christian church put through the door saying they wish to pray for the street and will knock at our door one evening to collect our prayers.

We didn't answer the door (8pm at night) when they came knocking, young children in bed etc.

A few minutes later a small group was outside our house (may just be coincidence that it was our house) praying quite loudly with lit candles (some of which are now littering the pavement)

Can anyone shed any light as to what such action is trying to achieve- if it is a recruitment drive it is a huge turn off  and seems highly intrusive to me.

Has anyone else had this kind of thing happen - is it quite a normal occurance?  

Any thoughts welcome - especially from anyone that does this and can explain why...:confused:

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  • From what I understand, some churches engage in outreach efforts like this to spread goodwill and offer prayers for the community. It's meant to be a gesture of support, though I can see how it might feel intrusive, especially late in the evening with young children asleep. Perhaps they didn't realize the timing wasn't ideal.
    In my view, communication beforehand could have made a difference, allowing you to opt-in or schedule a more convenient time. Personally, I think it's important for such gestures to be considerate of everyone's schedules and preferences.
    If you're interested in understanding more about similar practices, I recently came across . It's seen as a way to bring calmness and positivity before important events.
  • Very disturbing. I would say complain to the church and inform them that they have no right to do this outside your house, that they have littered in your street and disturbed your children. Then politely inform them that if it happens again then you will call the police.
    I'm sorry, but I don't care what the religion or reason, that is a ridiculous time to be carrying on like that in a residential area on a week night. Quite frankly if it were a group of teenagers standing out in the st chatting loudly and lighting candles only to then drop them on the floor then the police would be called in an instant.
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