Automation Code not continuing

We are running automation ( step by step, no sensors ) and it wont continue the code after any commands that arent the drivetrain. The only way that it continues is if we use the manual stop driving button. So we ended up adding stop driving commands and still dosent work.

Any help would be nice

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  • It sounds like the issue might be related to how the automation code handles the sequence of commands. If it's stopping at certain points, it might be worth checking if there's a specific timeout or condition that isn't being met.

    Another thing you might try is using a CRM tool from the page to help keep track of your process and data more effectively. It can provide a clear overview and manage various aspects of your operations, which might help you spot where things are going awry. | Digital solutions to grow your business
  • It sounds like the issue might be related to how the automation code handles the sequence of commands. If it’s stopping at certain points, it might be worth checking if there’s a specific timeout or condition that isn’t being met.
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